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Current Projects: Leadership Training | Research & Evaluation | Punjabi Christian Literature | People of North-West India

Peoples of North-West India (PNWI)

The Peoples of North-West India is a missiological research programme aiming at the preparation of profiles of unreached people-groups (UPGs) and of the states, districts and major cities of North-West India. In addition to its primary purpose of profiling the unreached peoples of North-West India the programme also intends to research other aspects of the Christian mission in North-West India.

In collaboration with the North India Harvest Network (NIHN) the North-West India Harvest Handbook containing District Profiles of the states of Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh was produced. One page UPG Profiles of selected people groups have also been prepared for these states and for Chandigarh and Delhi. Detailed district and city profiles are being prepared.

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